Felix (Fuyong) Zhao is currently the founder & chairman & CEO of Cassia Networks Inc.
Felix is also the founding partner of zPark Venture.
Before founding Cassia, Felix was the VP & GM of APAC of Sensys Networks.
Before Sensys, Felix was Vice President, Mesh Technology of Aruba Networks (a NASDAQ listed public company in the US), after the acquisition of Azalea by Aruba on Sep 2, 2010.
Before the acquisition, Felix cofounded Azalea Networks in Silicon Valley of the US in April 2005 and was the CEO, CTO and the board director of Azalea Networks, Inc.
Before founding Azalea, Felix worked for Cisco Systems and Cable & Wireless IDC.
Felix received two bachelor degrees from Tsinghua University, one for Physics and one for Electrical Engineering.
Felix has about 20 US patents granted or pending on IP routing, QoS, mobile internet, wireless communication, and Bluetooth etc.